Petition No. 3 of 2003

Date of hearing    :   21.1.2004

                                                                                            Date of Order: May   25, 2004





Petition for approval of Power Tariff for proposed Mini Hydro Power Project at Ralla, Distt. Mansa, Punjab.






Friends Cycles Private Limited         

(Now known as DSL Powers Private Limited)








Punjab State Electricity Board and others     




            Present            Sh. R.S.Mann, Chairman

                                    Sh. L.S.Deol, Member


For the Petitioner        Sh. Narinder Singh


For the Govt./PEDA  Sh. S.S.Sekhon, Director PEDA,

                                    Sh. A.K.Singla and Sh.M.P.Singh


For the PSEB:             Sh.B.D.Bansal, Director/Sales





This petition has been filed for approval of power tariff  for sale of power to PSEB for proposed Mini Hydel Power Project at Ralla on Canal Drop of Kotla Branch Canal, Distt. Mansa.   It is stated in the petition that the petitioner  has  been allocated the site and MOU has been signed on June 25, 2002.  It is further stated that the detailed project report has since been submitted to PEDA for clearance as PEDA is Nodal Agency for promotion and development of New and Renewable Sources of Energy (NRSE) Projects.  It is further submitted that after intensive evaluation, the turbines eminently suitable to tap the low-head potential, have been firmed up.  It is prayed in the petition that approval for signing the PPA with PSEB may be accorded by fixing power tariff as notified in the NRSE Policy 2001.


2.         The main issue involved in this petition is regarding grant of the benefits and incentives  to the petitioner as per the NRSE policy of the Government of Punjab notified in July 2001.  This policy was formulated by the State Government for the promotion of energy generation through non-conventional sources of energy.  This policy was based on similar policy approved by the Government of India. As per the policy, PEDA is to provide complete project support and facilitation services and it is to act as Nodal Agency.


3.         In this connection, the State Government issued directions to this Commission under Section 39 of the ERC Act, 1998 vide notification dated October 28,  2002 directing the Commission for compliance of the NRSE policy dated July 24, 2001.  Thereafter letter dated February 18, 2003 was received from the Government.  This was considered by the Commission and was treated as amendment of earlier directions issued by the State Government to the Commission. It was stated in the letter that in the changed scenario in which per unit cost of generation is to be determined by the Commission, for future projects the NRSE policy needs to be reviewed/recast for which Secretary Science & Technology shall bring suitable proposals for consideration of CMM. The letter dated February 18, 2003 of the Govt. is reproduced below :-

“In continuation to this office DO No.PSIP/2003/74 dated 31.1.2003 and with reference to order of the Commission dated 3.2.2003 (copy enclosed) the matter regarding purchase of power from Mini Hydel projects was reviewed in a meeting held on 11.2.2003.The following decisions taken in the meeting are reproduced below for reference of the Regulatory Commission. These decisions would be applicable to all projects set up under NRSE Policy-2001 through PEDA :-


i)               The Commission may permit PSEB to buy power from the Developers at the rates provided in the NRSE Policy of State Government circulated vide Notification dated 24.7.2001 and may be allowed to pass on full cost of the power so purchased in the ARR and loaded to the consumers.

ii)             Since the transmission lines/ works required to be laid for evacuating this power to the nearest PSEB Grid Sub station could not be included in the ARR (being capital expenditure), this cost should be borne by the Developers (except for PPAs already signed with PEDA).

iii)            All other terms & conditions/ incentives for the Private Projects developed through PEDA shall be same as envisaged in the NRSE policy-2001 of the State Government.

iv)            In the changed scenario in which per unit cost of generation is to be determined by the State Regulatory Commission, for future projects the NRSE policy circulated by the State Government needs to be reviewed/recast for which Secretary, Science & Technology, shall bring suitable proposal for consideration of CMM.

v)             As per the policy guidelines of the State Government, the developers may be allowed to install suitable metering at their generating end to record the generation made for sale to PSEB and billing done on the basis of readings recorded by the meter installed at the generator end. The power available for sale to PSEB to be included in the ARR shall be units so generated and recorded minus 5% transmission losses.


The above decision of the Government may be considered by the Commission for tariff fixation.  In view of the above decisions issuing of directions to PSEB under Section 78A of the ESA 1948 is not required.”



4.         Vide Order dated April 28, 2003 passed by the Commission, notice of motion was ordered to be issued to PEDA. PEDA in reply submitted that the petition may be allowed as prayed for by the petitioner. 


5.         After hearing the petitioner and PEDA, the petition was admitted on July 14, 2003 and notices were ordered to be issued to the Respondents.


6.         In reply to the petition, it was stated on behalf of the PSEB that the Government in its communication dated February 18, 2003 had intimated the Commission that the NRSE policy shall be reviewed/recast for new projects. It was therefore prayed on behalf of the Board that the Government/PEDA may get the NRSE policy reviewed/recast for consideration by CMM so that PPA on the rates for purchase of power as fixed after the decision of CMM may be executed with the party.  It was further submitted in the reply that before PPA is signed by PSEB with the petitioner, PEDA might be directed to sign implementation agreement with the petitioner giving sufficient time for the project to come up for the benefit of both the petitioner and the Utility.


7.         The petitioner filed rejoinder to the reply filed by the PSEB. The petitioner stated that the Implementation Agreement has been signed on July 14, 2003.  It was further stated that the reviewed / recast NRSE policy will be applicable to the ‘future projects’ and not to the projects which have already been allocated by PEDA & are in the pipeline as in the case of the petitioner.


8.         The State Government filed reply to the  petition on September 16, 2003 in which it was prayed that the petition may be allowed in line with the order dated April 8, 2003 passed by the Commission in the petitions relating to similar  Micro Hydel Projects.


9.         A letter was written by the Secretary, PSERC to the Chief Secretary, Punjab, requesting him to intimate the decision of the Government on review/recast of NRSE policy and the interpretation of the term ‘future projects’ to enable the Commission to settle the petitions pending with the Commission.  In reply, the Principal Secretary Science & Technology vide his letter dated January 6, 2004 has stated  that the cut off date for extending the benefits of NRSE policy was fixed as 30.11.2003 and  the six pending petitions before the Commission for approval of tariff may be decided accordingly.  It was further stated therein that the Commission may permit PSEB to buy power from these private developers at the rates provided in the NRSE policy 2001  and may be allowed to pass on full cost of power so purchased in the ARR and load it to the consumers.  It was further stated that all other projects whose petitions are filed after November 30, 2003 may be considered as ‘future projects’ and shall be considered for tariff fixation after review/ recast of NRSE policy by the State Government.


10.       Vide order dated January 14, 2004 passed by the Commission, parties were directed to file their submissions in respect of the letter dated 6.1.2004 of the Government and the case was adjourned to January 21, 2004. 


11.       The PSEB filed its submissions on  January 20, 2004 in which it has stated as under:-

                     “Notwithstanding the objections of PSEB about the higher per unit rate recommended (by Pb.Govt.) to be paid to the Developers of NRSE based projects in the State as per policy & guidelines of the Punjab Govt. and the power  of the Hon’ble State Electricity Regulatory Commission to regulate electricity purchase as per section 22 (1) (c) of ERC Act, 1998 & section 86 (1) (b) of EA, 2003; PSEB shall have no objection to purchase this power and make payment to the Power developers at the rate provided in the NRSE policy, provided the same are approved and allowed as expenditure in the annual Revenue Requirement of the Board by the Commission.”



12.       The parties have been heard. The representative of the Board has reiterated the stand taken by the Board in its submissions filed on January 20, 2004, which have been reproduced above.


13.       The Commission notes that the two directions issued by the State Government on 28.10.2002 and 18.2.2003  directing the Commission for compliance of NRSE Policy, 2001 of the Govt. of Punjab are in conformity with Section 39 of the ERC Act, 1998 as these directions have been issued in writing and they pertain to matter of policy involving public interest.  They are also in line with similar policy being followed by the Govt. of India and many other states in the country. The Commission has also followed these directions of the Govt. in other similar petitions.  Further vide letter dated January 6, 2004 the State Government has fixed the cut off date for extending the benefit of NRSE policy 2001 as 30.11.2003. Thus the scope of extension of NRSE Policy, 2001 in its present form is clearly limited to the petitions filed before the Commission upto November 30, 2003. The total generation capacity from all these projects   works out to be of about 15 MW and as such the  financial implication of extension of NRSE policy on  these projects shall not be significant.  In view of all above, the Commission decides to accept the clarification of the  Govt. stating that  ‘future projects’  mean projects relating to petitions filed before the Commission after November 30, 2003. Accordingly the Commission considers it appropriate  to go by the Government directions for the pending petitions, including the present one.


14.       Further, the Commission  has noted that the PPAs are normally  for 20 years extendable for another 10 years through mutual agreement.  The rate of purchase of power in respect of new projects is 301 paise/ unit  with base year 2001-02 with annual escalation of 3% on yearly basis upto 5 years. Thereafter, the rate is to remain fixed for the balance years of the contract. The Commission is of the opinion that the rates of purchase of power may appear to be high in the initial years but these may become  competitive and beneficial for the Board and the consumers in the later years of the total duration of the PPAs. keeping in view the incremental  cost of power involved in subsequent years of purchase.  Thus, in all likelihood, the interests of the consumers will be well served by allowing these rates.   Moreover, the PSEB is already purchasing power from many co-generation producers and other such sources almost at the same rates. In view of all above, the Commission does not consider the rates allowed as per NRSE Policy of the Govt. to be adverse to the interests of the consumers, especially their long term interests.


15.       As per sub clause (v) of Government letter dated February 18, 2003, the Govt. has stipulated that the developers may be allowed to install suitable metering at their generating end to record the generation made for sale to PSEB and billing be done on the basis of readings recorded by the meter installed at the generating end and the power available for sale to PSEB to be included in the ARR, shall be units so generated and recorded less 5% for transmission losses. The Commission feels that it is not desirable for the Govt. to lay down a definite figure for transmission losses to be passed on to the consumers.  Transmission losses  which the consumers may be required to bear, should be only the actual transmission losses as determined by the Commission.  For a particular year, transmission losses may be above or below the figure of 5%. The Commission accordingly determines that the transmission losses to be allowed would be as per the actual losses for each year. The Commission feels that by this modification, the interests of the consumers will be safeguarded and none of the parties in this petition, stands  to lose.  The Commission has followed the same principles for other similar petitions.


16.       In view of the above, it is decided that PPA in this case be approved at the rates as applicable to the new projects as per the NRSE Policy, 2001 and as per the directions of the Government dated October 28, 2002 as amended vide their reference dated February 18, 2003 except that the clause pertaining to 5% losses be amended to state that each year only assessed transmission losses be allowed to the PSEB subject to adjustment based on actuals. PEDA & PSEB may also ensure that during the total  period PPA is valid, the petitioner will produce power using only non-conventional source for which the project has been approved.  Also, in order to protect the interests of the PSEB and consumers in general, PEDA and State Govt. may take suitable steps to ensure that the petitioner continues to supply agreed quantum of power to the Board at prescribed rates during the entire period of contract under the NRSE policy 2001.



                                        Sd/-                                                                  Sd/-

                                    (L.S. DEOL)                                                    (R.S.MANN)

                                       Member.                                                      Chairman.



Place: Chandigarh

Dated:   May   25, 2004.